I’ve been very fortunate to have folks that I greatly respect and admire share their boogie bag loadouts (Just scroll down for evidence of this). I figured I’d share my daily carry with y’all as well.

I’m certainly one of those people that subscribes to “It’s better to have and not need.” I believe in multiple “layers” of carry for multiple purposes. for this post I’m going to go over what I carry on my person and in my boogie bag. I will get into my EDC pack and vehicle carry at another time. this is stuff i carry with me everywhere from short jaunts to the post to mail your orders (thank you!) to road trips. I’m a firm believer that your carry should be the same no matter the environment. Changes should be global so in the event of emergency, you won’t be stumbling for that knife or trauma kit because you decided to move it for that certain trip.

I will change out what I carry, but not the type of item. As an example, I’ll always have a knife, but the specific knife may change. No matter which knife it is, It’s always in the same spot. It’s very easy to check before I head out of the house or after doing any sort of movement that may have loosened or caused the knife to migrate. systems and patterns to ensure i’ve got the tools i may need at hand, at any point in time.

on-person carry

This is a list of the things that I always carry on my person or, you know, in my pockets. The only thing not pictured or listed is my firearm.

boogie bag loadout

I know a lot of folks carry their firearms in off-body pouches, slings, bags, etc. I’m not a fan of off-body carry and carry my firearm AIWB in conjunction with wearing my boogie bag. One of my favorite things about wearing a boogie bag is that it takes a lot of weight out of my pockets. I do still carry items in my pockets, but removing a backup magazine and flashlight alone, drastically reduced the weight. my backup magazine is also very accessible while seated, as opposed to requiring significant movement to retrieve it from my pocket.

even with all this stuff, there is plenty of room left in the boogie. I prefer to leave space in case i pick something up that I don’t want to put in my pack, pockets, or carry in my hands. i realize that there is a gap that some of you are probably screaming at: there’s no medical/trauma. my med/trauma kit is in my edc pack, which I will discuss in another post.

aside from that, what am I missing? What can be improved? Leave a comment and let me know what’s in your boogie bag!


Trust Hard Work - Two Years of goodwerks


“Boogie - A Bag You Want To Get Your Hands On”